Hello everyone,
Instead of using BoF, we've decided to switch back to FT. (the new 'management, of course). but the way we do things will still be the same as BoF. Give us some time to change back ya!
will give further explanations soon.
thank u all!
meanwhile, do keep the emails coming!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Spotted! 59
Tulip high waisted skirt, suitable for work and play. Velvet Ribbon, at RM49!
Seen also at:
Oh POpsicle
Miss OCD in Shopping
Miss OCD in Shopping,
Oh Popsicles,
Velvet RIbbon
Spotted! 58
PLain and simple from the front, but sexy at the back!! Selling at RM55 at Velvet RIbbon!
Also seen at:
My Vintage Garden
My Vintage Garden,
Velvet RIbbon
Spotted! 56
Seen also at
Trend Reports
Velvet Ribbon
Spotted! 55

Studded blazer seen at Trend Reports, at RM68.
all sold out! however, one last piece is available at Miss OCD in Shopping at the same price!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Spotted! 54

Shopping Playground! Now on sale! Check it out!
This top was reviewed before, and guess what? it's even cheaper now! only RM30!
(love the big japanese like bow behind!)
Shopping Playground